RV holding tank chemicals. Do they work? Do I need them?

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Well, it depends on how you use your tanks. Yes, I said tanks. You all know black is toilet and gray are sinks and shower. Did you know both can smell really bad?

Lets start with the black tank.

So first this is NOT a septic tank!!! It is a holding tank that needs to be dumped properly. That is another whole post in itself. Let’s say your tank has an awful odor and the sensors show it is full all the time, even after dumping. There are chemicals that claim to fix this issue and they may work. I know that our treatment of choice is ENTER LINK HERE for smells and helping to break down the solids.

On to the gray tank

The lovely gray tank. Just water from the sink and shower. Not too bad. WRONG! The gray tank does hold water from your sink and shower that is true. It also holds everything you wash down the drain. Food particles, dirt, grease from cooking, and soap. The shower also adds hair, dead skin, skin oils and other things. The worse odor I have ever smelled in an RV was the gray tank. That is caused by us the humans not thinking about what we wash down the drain just sits and builds up stuff on the bottom of the tank. I have seen people use black tank treatment to cover the odor from the gray tank. This is a temporary fix, as long as you run enough water to get it past the trap in the plumbing lines it will help with the odors that escape past the trap.

So how do we help?

Not only does holding tank odor smell horrible can be very embarrassing for the resident, but more importantly is very hazardous to the health of those residing with the rig. This vile, putrid odor is methane gas. Struvite grows and permeates in both black and gray tanks, causing unhealthy living conditions for those aboard the rig. Struvite is a mineral crystal that builds up in RV holding tanks that cakes up sensors, causing false readings, clogged holding tanks and a putrid odor. We have a hydro-blast system that will clean the inside of both tanks like new! It will get all the “stuff” off the inside of your tanks. This will clean the sensors and they will work properly again. The enjoyment of getting the odor maker removed from your vacation along with eliminating the health risks makes all the reason to call to schedule your appointment today!

What other products do we use?

Liquified RV Toilet Treatment – Odor Eliminator – Lavender Scent or Liquified RV Toilet Treatment – Odor Eliminator – Orange Scent is the ONLY products we use in our tanks. WE switch back and forth just for a change.

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